Highly adaptable and proactive creative specialising in art direction, vis id, motion graphics, social and campaign. Background in Graphic & Media design, with over 6 years experience working globally, in-house/agency side. Experienced in fast-paced environments with an eye for disruption and innovation.



Nov 2020 - Present

Art Director + Designer

Mad Mama

Nov 2019 - Nov 2020

Art Director + Designer


Oct 2016 - Oct 2019


Awards & Publications

  • Experimenting with the Physicality of Digital Materiality


  • Encoded Object - University of The Arts London, Mozilla, V&A


  • Awarded the Peter Cannings Prize in Innovation Digital Media in Graphic Design




testimonials 〰️

“Working with Chrissy has been a highlight of my time at Peloton. She's an exceptionally creative individual who is also passionate, caring, and incredibly dedicated. Chrissy is the fastest learner I've ever met, seamlessly blending her creativity with her design skills. Her ability to pivot, be proactive, and adapt is remarkable. She consistently exceeds expectations, bringing innovative ideas to the table and quickly developing a wide range of skills. I'm incredibly proud of her progress and foresee a bright future for her leading creative teams.”

— Carol Sebben | Associate Creative Director @ Peloton | Ex M&CSaatchi

“Chrissy is a rare find. Her conceptual thinking rarely takes the expected route and with an innate understanding of culture, her work always feels fresh and relevant. At Peloton, she made every project better with her design sensibilities and natural affinity for managing a project. Yep, a rare find.”

— Tom Hopkins | Associate Creative Director

“She is a fast learner and can work proactively. She has a great balance of methodical thinking while maintaining an open mind to help explore her creative side - something which is a rare quality.”

— Lee Coles | Founder @ Mad Muma